29 Apr FatBoy Ice Cream Cones: Special Flavor Profile – Caramel Praline
We’re excited to now be offering not only the finest in ice cream sandwiches and sundae desserts, but the finest in ice cream cone flavors as well! FatBoy have pulled out all the stops to make ice cream cones that are some of the best that money can buy. We’ll be covering each of the five new flavors in detail, including Sundae Best, Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Cookie Dough, Cookies N’ Cream, and of course, Caramel Praline!
Caramel and Pralines Are Just the Beginning
As with Cookies N’ Cream, Cookie Dough, and Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Caramel and Pralines is the result of that crazy meeting with FatBoy Ice Cream geniuses (the scientists and flavor experts and whatnot) and the suits (the execs, the lawyers, and the marketing gurus) where something got slipped into the water and the team collectively decided to “go big or go home” (that was scribbled on an alarming number of water-glass napkins after the meeting).
And go big they did. Not only did they come up with a Cookies N’ Cream cone, a Cookie Dough cone, and a Chocolate Fudge Brownie cone, they decided to maximize the potential of each flavor – as if offering the famous FatBoy premium, scoop-shoppe quality ice cream in each cone wasn’t enough. They started talking crazy, like lining a chocolate cone with white chocolate, and then, when they got to Caramel Praline, they thought, “Two flavors on top of the (magnificent though it is) premium vanilla just isn’t enough. We need chocolate on this thing, too!
So they decided to line the cone with chocolate and add some chocolaty fudge to the top! With that, then, you have a quadruple threat of flavors: you have premium scoop-shoppe quality vanilla ice cream, drizzled in chocolate, ribboned in caramel, sprinkled with pralines, and filled into a chocolate lined waffle cone!
Still, Caramel and Pralines…
Pre-filled ice cream cones have long featured caramel as a so-called feature to their products. In truth – and we all know this, no matter how much we’ve loved all of those other brands until now – the caramel filled into the middle of the over-processed “ice cream” in those cones is a paltry attempt to win our hearts. Well that thorn need never pierce your side again. Why? Because FatBoy® fills the heck out of the premium scoop-shoppe quality vanilla ice cream inside with caramel ribbon, then lines the waffle cone with some pretty fine chocolate, if we do say so ourselves.
Caramel Ribbons
Caramel is a newcomer to our series of Special Flavor Profiles, so let’s get a little history and science going, shall we? First of all, let’s talk about where caramel comes from. Like it’s ice cream colleague, cookies n’ cream, the jury’s somewhat out on that one, so we’ll just have to say that it also comes from “Parts Unknown!”
According to the awesome science editors at Wikipedia, “Caramelization is the removal of water from a sugar, proceeding to isomerization and polymerization of the sugars into various high-molecular-weight compounds.” What that means in non-science terms is that caramel happens when you heat sugar to just the right temperature and all of the water goes out, forming the gooey, uniquely flavored substance we all know and love as caramel. That unique flavor happens by way of that awesome chemical reaction – is that cool or what?!?
The caramel ribbons in our FatBoy Caramel and Pralines Ice Cream Cones is perfectly balanced with the chocolate in the cones, and as if that weren’t enough – which, you’ll note, for many other ice cream cone manufacturers, it is – we decided to add that wonderful sugary crunch of pralines to our caramel-flavored offering to push it over the top.
Pralines are Awesome!
Our pralines are American style, which originated near New Orleans in the nineteenth century, and are confectionaries made with brown sugar, cream, butter, and almonds or pecans. European pralines are almost exclusively made with almonds, but the prevalence of pecan trees in the south inspired those Cajuns to substitute the delicious pecan for the almond, and a new style of praline was born. When heated just right, a praline is born, and a scrumptious treat for your tastebuds is ready to make your tongue do a tango!
The Final Word
Let’s get real for a second. Where the heck else are you going to find a Caramel and Pralines pre-made ice cream cone? Not only that, but where the heck else are you going to get a Caramel and Pralines ice cream cone that’s packed with caramel-ribboned scoop-shoppe quality FatBoy® Premium Vanilla ice cream, then drizzled in chocolate, and stuffed into a chocolate-lined waffle cone? Not too many places, that’s where! (Except, of course your grocer’s freezer aisle, where these delicious Caramel and Pralines treats are waiting for you!)
Now we’ve made a lot of bold claims in this article, but consider what our competitors are offering: a chocolate lined waffle cone with inferior ice cream that’s injected with a glob of caramel and which sometimes has peanuts around the outside to add crunch. Then think about this (copied from our social media sites): “Premium ice cream with caramel ribbon and pralines topped with chocolaty drizzle and crushed pralines in a chocolaty-lined sugar cone.”
See you in the freezer aisle!
Dan Cramer
Posted at 23:46h, 15 MayThe ice cream was gritty and cone soggy like wet cardbord.
Posted at 00:44h, 16 MayHi Dan!
First, thanks for taking the time to reach out and let us know! Our goal is to make every ice cream novelty experience be amazing and as an SQF qualified facility, we are very serious about quality control. We’ve forwarded your comments to Customer Service. In the mean time, do you have an image of the product as well as an image of the box and batch date on the box?
Briana Sinnette
Posted at 01:02h, 25 OctoberI was looking forward to this, but disappointed. The cone was not crunchy. It was squishy. This would taste much better in a nice crisp cone.
Posted at 18:16h, 23 JanuaryHi Briana! Thank you for the valuable feedback. We’d like nothing better than to have your cone experience be as amazing as we’ve promised. Please send us a message on Facebook and we’ll see what we can do!
Posted at 22:15h, 03 AprilI was hooked on the praline cones, now the last 2 times buying the ice cream taste like cardboard, and the cones are mushy and the chocolate on the end of cone was real soft, when i was getting them before they were so good, crisp cone and ice cream was good, now its icy and taste like cardboard. Bought 3 more boxes from a different shoprite and same thing happened, Don’t think i want to buy anymore unless they go back to original which were excellant very disappointed!
Posted at 18:41h, 11 JuneThank you for the valuable feedback. We’d like nothing better than to have your cone experience be as amazing as we’ve promised. Please send us a message on Facebook and we’ll see what we can do!
Cory schulte
Posted at 18:26h, 11 JuneI absolutely loved the praline cones after buying them once a week for about a year all the publixs markets pulled them